Very eagle-eyed regular readers might have noticed that a few days ago I added a new category to the list of post categories over in the menus. It’s quite a rare event, to be honest: most of the categories have been there for many years, and new additions really don’t happen very often. Before this week, the last one I think was Being Crafty, which arrived several months ago.
Keyword noise: blogging, trans, transgender.
Or, making the site more efficient
Published at 9:31 pm on May 31st, 2024
Filed under: Geekery, Meta.
Back in March, I wrote about making my post publishing process on this blog a bit simpler. Well; that was really just a side effect. The main point of that post, and the process behind it, was to find a simple and cheap way to move this site onto HTTPS-based hosting, which I accomplished with an Azure Static Web App. The side effect was that the official way to deploy an Azure Static Web App is via Microsoft Oryx, run from a GitHub Action. So now, when I write a new post, I have a fairly ordinary workflow similar to what I’d use (and do use!) in a multi-developer team. I create my changes in a Git branch, create a GitHub pull request, merge that pull request, and the act of doing a merge kicks off a GitHub Action pipeline that fires up Oryx, runs Wintersmith, and produces a site image which Oryx then uploads to Azure. Don’t be scared of all the different names of all the steps: for me, it’s just a couple of buttons that sets off a whole Heath Robinson chain of events. If I was doing this in a multi-person team, the only real difference would be to get someone else to review the change before I merge it, just to make sure I haven’t said something completely stupid.
Keyword noise: Azure, Azure Static Web Apps, blogging, Caitlin lectures you, computing, devops, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Oryx, programming, static hosting, static websites, web hosting, weebsites, Wintersmith.
Or, keeping the site up to date
Published at 7:23 pm on March 14th, 2024
Filed under: Geekery, Meta.
Well, hello there! This site has been on something of a hiatus since last summer, for one reason and another. There’s plenty to write about, there’s plenty going on, but somehow I’ve always been too busy, too distracted, too many other things going on to sit down and want to write a blog post. Moreover, there are more technical reasons that I’ve felt I needed to get resolved too.
Keyword noise: Azure, Azure Static Web Apps, blogging, Caitlin lectures you, computing, devops, hiatus, hosting, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, programming, software, static hosting, static websites, technology, web hosting, websites, Wintersmith.
Or, rather, no more analytics
Published at 8:38 am on April 30th, 2023
Filed under: Meta, Geekery, Technology.
Regular readers—or, at least, people who have looked at this site before the last month or two—might remember that it used to have a discreet cookie consent banner at the top of the page, asking if you consented to me planting a tracking cookie that I promised not to send to anyone else. It would pop up again about once a year, just to make sure you hadn’t changed your mind. If you clicked yes, you appeared on my Google Analytics dashboard. If you clicked no, you didn’t.
Keyword noise: blogging, search requests, indie, Indieweb.
Or, digging out some old words
Published at 5:03 pm on January 1st, 2022
Filed under: Dear Diary, The Old Blog.
A couple of times recently, I’ve mentioned that I’ve been pulling data off the hard drive of my old desktop computer, nested inside which was the home folders from the previous desktop computer, and nested inside those, those from the one before that. So, lots of rather old files to go through, and there will be more photos to post I promise. One thing I’ve uncovered that I didn’t think I had, though, was a text-only archive of the posts from my old blog.
Keyword noise: blogging.
A more recent one this time
Published at 8:24 pm on September 17th, 2021
Filed under: Meta, Dear Diary.
Or, how often should a blog update, and does it really matter?
Published at 3:22 pm on August 30th, 2021
Filed under: Meta.
Or, some ideas for tracking ideas
Published at 10:45 pm on January 26th, 2021
Filed under: Meta.
A few days ago, I mentioned in passing that there I have lots of ideas for topics to write about on here, and the backlog of ideas is slowly building up. What I didn’t say was: how I track the backlog and remember all those ideas; instead, I thought to myself, that would make an interesting post for another day. “Backlog” isn’t meant to be derogatory, by the way. I see it as a good healthy thing, that I have lots of ideas that I haven’t as yet have had the time or energy or inclination to turn into words yet. Better that than a dearth of things I want to talk about, after all; that’s what would make this site slowly dry up and wither.
Keyword noise: blogging, writing, version control, git, project management.
Or, finishing off the odds and ends
Published at 11:10 am on October 27th, 2020
Filed under: Meta, Geekery, Technology.
Settling down to see what else I should write in the series of posts about how I rebuilt this website, I realised that the main issues now have already been covered. The previous posts in this series have discussed the following:
Keyword noise: blogging, Wintersmith, Bootstrap, web design, responsive design, coding, websites, HTML, CSS, accessibility, JavaScript, npm.
Or, some of your questions answered
Published at 9:18 pm on October 14th, 2020
Filed under: Meta.
Time to answer some of the questions that have been sent in over the month or so since I revived this site.
Keyword noise: Readers Letters, Battle of Hastings, history, counterfactual, alternate timeline, Cymru, Wales, Books I Haven't Read, Francis Bennion, E Shrdlu, blogging, Sarah from Ipswich.
If you want to start reading this series of articles from the start, the first part is here. In the previous part we discussed how I adapted Wintersmith to my purposes, adding extra page generators for different types of archive page, and refactoring them to make sure that I wasn’t repeating the same logic in multiple places, which is always a good process to follow on any sort of coding project. This post is about the templating language that Wintersmith uses, Pug. When I say “that Wintersmith uses”, incidentally, you should always add a “by default” rider, because as we saw previously adding support for something else generally wouldn’t be too hard to do.
Keyword noise: blogging, coding, websites, Wintersmith, Pug, templates, refactoring, performance, optimisation, Agile, HTML, JavaScript.
In which we delve into Wintersmith and some CoffeeScript
Published at 7:23 pm on September 28th, 2020
Filed under: Meta, Geekery, Technology.
Or, how many different ways can you host a website?
Published at 6:48 am on September 18th, 2020
Filed under: Meta, Geekery, Technology.
I said the other day I’d write something about how I rebuilt the site, what choices I made and what coding was involved. I’ve a feeling this might end up stretched into a couple of posts or so, concentrating on different areas. We’ll start, though, by talking about the tech I used to redevelop the site with, and, indeed, how websites tend to be structured in general.
Keyword noise: web design, web hosting, websites, blogging, Wintersmith, Wordpress, CoffeeScript.
It's a new day, and so on
Published at 7:53 am on September 17th, 2020
Filed under: Meta, Dear Diary.
In which we have an obscure font problem, in annoyingly specific circumstances
Published at 1:41 pm on August 29th, 2011
Filed under: Geekery, Technology.
Only a day after the new garden blog went live, I found myself with a problem. This morning, I noticed a problem with it, on K’s PC. Moreover, it was only a problem on K’s PC. On her PC, in Firefox and in IE, the heading font was hugely oversized compared to the rest of the page. In Chrome, everything was fine.
Keyword noise: blogging, development, fonts, web design.
In which an annex is announced
Published at 9:09 pm on August 28th, 2011
Filed under: Meta.
As you can see, as I’ve mentioned more than a few times already, this site has been fairly quiet for the past few months, since we’ve moved house. We’ve come up with a cunning solution, though. Start another blog!
Keyword noise: blogging, gardening.
In which we muse on how hard it is to write something with all the distractions the modern world has to offer
Published at 7:39 am on January 25th, 2010
Filed under: Meta.
There’s one big problem with computers and pervasive connectivity. The problem is: it’s all at your fingertips. Which means, when you sit down to do some work, it’s all too easy to realise that there are other things you’d rather be doing; and there are a lot that can be done there and then.
Keyword noise: blogging, distraction, editing, writing.
In which things turn to treacle
Published at 8:59 am on April 9th, 2009
Filed under: Geekery, Technology.
I’ve noticed, over the past few months or so, that sometimes this site seems to load rather slowly. The slow periods didn’t seem to match any spikes in my own traffic, though, so I didn’t see that there was necessarily much I could do about it; moreover, as it wasn’t this site’s traffic that seemed to be causing the problem, I wasn’t under any obligation to do anything about it.
Keyword noise: Apache, blogging, bot, performance, web server, websites, Wordpress.
In which we measure monitors
Published at 9:14 am on March 3rd, 2009
Filed under: Geekery, Meta, Technology.
In which we discuss tagging and filksonomies
Published at 9:40 am on January 28th, 2009
Filed under: Meta.
In which we discuss similarities between books and blogging
Published at 9:56 am on January 26th, 2009
Filed under: Artistic.
Last week, in the last Book I Haven’t Read post, I mentioned By Hook Or By Crook by David Crystal, and predicted that – in contrast to the book I was actually writing about – I’d have By Hook Or By Crook rattled through and quickly finished off.
Keyword noise: blogging, books, By Hook Or By Crook, David Crystal, information, inspiration, journey, road trip, travel, writing.
In which nothing, design-wise, is accomplished
Published at 10:00 am on January 11th, 2009
Filed under: Meta.
As I mentioned recently, I’m embarking on a Grand Epic Ground-Upwards Redesign of this site, because, well, the design hasn’t been changed since I first set it up. I knocked it together in a few days holiday in August ’05; back then my holiday year ended in August and I often had a few spare days at the end of the month where I had nothing to do and needed to keep myself occupied. In 2005, this blog was the result.
Keyword noise: beauty, blogging, CSS, design, perfection, PHP, tweaking, web design.
In which we debate a design detail
Published at 9:16 am on December 3rd, 2008
Filed under: Meta, Geekery.
Regular readers might have noticed that yesterday’s post was a bit of an experiment. In case you didn’t spot what the experiment involved, here’s a clue:
Keyword noise: asterisks, blogging, design, footnote.
In which we discover more people read this site than we thought
Published at 11:16 pm on January 31st, 2008
Filed under: The Old Office.
In which we list things that I am too sleepy to write a proper post on
Published at 11:08 pm on November 12th, 2007
Filed under: Dear Diary.
There are a lot, but after a long and stressful day at work, I don’t really want to sit down and write any of them up.
Keyword noise: blogging.
In which we notice the details
Published at 5:56 pm on July 15th, 2007
Filed under: Dear Diary, Meta.
In which we wonder if an editor might help
Published at 5:10 pm on July 13th, 2007
Filed under: Meta.
Mike Troubled Diva recently posted a set of lecture notes on: going from blog to book. It’s an interesting read, and touches on one element that I, struggling to come up with something to put down on screen, have been thinking about a lot lately. If you’re a blogger, you don’t have anyone to restrain you, or point you in the right direction.
Keyword noise: blog-to-book, blogging, editing, J K Rowling, publishing, The Plain People Of The Internet.
In which I have nothing to say for once
Published at 6:04 pm on July 10th, 2007
Filed under: Dear Diary, Feeling Meh.
In which we make sure everything is shiny-new
Published at 11:59 am on January 7th, 2007
Filed under: Meta, Media Addict.
And on the subject of procrastination, I’ve finally got around to making sure this site is running on the latest version of WordPress. Hurrah! I’m normally slightly reluctant to upgrade, on the grounds that the upgrade procedure is very long and detailed, and involves deleting most of the site to reinstall the new one. So you have to take the site down,* and if anything goes wrong it might stay down. I know that doesn’t really matter for a frivolous site like this, but it makes me wary.
Keyword noise: blogging, The Secret Life Of Machines, Tim Hunkin, upgrade, Wordpress.
In which we plan for the year ahead
Published at 7:37 am on January 1st, 2007
Filed under: Dear Diary.
I’ve noticed I’ve been a bit lax updating recently – if you look on the sidebar, you’ll notice these past few months have had far fewer posts than before. Back in January I said to myself that I was going to try to update every day. As you can see, I haven’t been managing it.
Keyword noise: Big Dave, blogging, Blue Screen Of Death, BSOD, jokes, laziness, practical jokes, schedule, Sysinternals, writing.
In which things get recorded
Published at 1:41 pm on October 17th, 2006
Filed under: In With The Old.
In which a year has passed
Published at 3:48 pm on August 27th, 2006
Filed under: Dear Diary, Meta.
I’ve been thinking about having a new feature on the site: Readers’ Letters. I get you to write in with questions that aren’t suitable for a normal comment-box entry, and I answer them. I was thinking of doing it today, in fact, but I couldn’t be bothered to make all the questions up as well as the answers. So, if you have anything you want to ask, email my usual address: feedback at
Keyword noise: bad driving, Big Dave, blogging, driving, Readers' Letters, speeding.
Or, you are reading these words
Published at 8:38 am on June 7th, 2006
Filed under: Meta.
When I write things here, I don’t think about who might be reading them. Most of the time, I write posts to entertain an itch in my head. I get it down in words, and then I forget about it. The readers, if I do think about them, are the crowd of maybe 20 people who I know personally, who I know read this site fairly regularly.*
Keyword noise: audience, blogging, readership.
If this week seems to have gone quickly, it’s because I haven’t been blogging very much. My social life is getting the better of me.
Keyword noise: blogging, books, Christian science fiction, Christianity, Dilwyn Horvat, literature, management, Operation Titan, science fiction, SF, Umberto Eco, How To Travel With A Salmon.
In which we wonder if things should be more regular
Published at 2:40 pm on April 17th, 2006
Filed under: Meta.
In which we wonder what we’re hiding
Published at 7:01 am on February 21st, 2006
Filed under: Dear Diary, Meta.
Back in the mists of time, I wrote about Jakob Nielsen‘s top ten blog design mistakes. Including: not having your own domain name. My response: there are several sites I read and respect that do do this, but if you want to be completely sure you control your own reputation, you need to control your domain name too.
Keyword noise: blogging, censorship, Jakob Nielsen, Myspace, News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch, usability, web design.
In which we think about design and credibility
Published at 8:12 am on October 26th, 2005
Filed under: Media Addict.
Going back on last week’s post on Jakob Nielsen‘s top ten blog design mistakes: his Number Two Mistake is: no author photo on the site. Thinking about it, out of all the mistakes on his list, that’s almost certainly the most commonly-made.
Keyword noise: blogging, byline, credibility, design, Jakob Nielsen, journalism, media, newspapers, trust, usability, web design.
In which we consider how well this site scores against Nielsen’s standard
Published at 8:12 pm on October 18th, 2005
Filed under: Geekery, Meta.
In which I am easily (and correctly) stereotyped
Published at 7:34 pm on October 14th, 2005
Filed under: Dear Diary, The Old Office.
In which we consider the mechanics of tagging
Published at 10:54 am on October 9th, 2005
Filed under: Meta, Technology.
In which we discuss the name of this site
Published at 7:26 pm on September 10th, 2005
Filed under: Feeling Meh, Meta.
So far, I haven’t tried to explain the name of this site; and nobody’s asked, probably because very few people read it. I thought it up whilst sitting one afternoon on Doncaster station, waiting for a rather late train, and ever since I’ve been worried that it’s too pretentious.
Keyword noise: anxiety, blogging, explanation, names.
In which we discuss taxonomies
Published at 8:19 pm on September 7th, 2005
Filed under: Meta.
Yesterday’s post made me think about blogging slightly, because I found myself creating a new category just to put it in. I’m still not sure how I should be creating categories, so I wasn’t entirely sure if I was doing the right thing.
Keyword noise: blogging, categorisation, filing, irony, tagging, taxonomy.