
Symbolic Forest

A homage to loading screens.


Things I Have Been Meaning To Blog About

In which we list things that I am too sleepy to write a proper post on

There are a lot, but after a long and stressful day at work, I don’t really want to sit down and write any of them up.

For example: Dimitra‘s carrot cake recipe.* Photos. Photos of everything. Photographs of trains. Sitting on stiles. The Leeds Film Festival. Shopping. My really annoying pair of trousers. Other banal aspects of life. Facebook. Trees. Friendly horses. Flooding. Some books I have actually read. The ridiculous idea I heard on the radio, that all computers should by law be sold with “child protection” software on them. Cooking. They’re all in my head, in a blur together, and I can’t tease them apart far enough to build anything legible.

* I believe it’s actually her mothers, if you want to be pedantic.