In which we discuss a suitable Sunday topic
Published at 8:05 pm on October 16th, 2011
Filed under: The Family, Unbelievable.
The Mother phoned up today, as she does regularly, to tell us all the latest exciting goings-on in her social circle. Her friend George, who she knew from church, has died aged 85, after a long illness. “Of course, he’d been ill for years,” she said, “and he was in great pain. By the end he was screaming. ‘Take me, Lord, take me!’ It was a blessing when he died.”
Keyword noise: Anglicanism, Christianity, compassion, death, god, illness, religion, superstition.
In which we wonder what the filmmakers were thinking
Published at 6:32 pm on August 5th, 2007
Filed under: Media Addict.
Every time I’ve been to the cinema recently, I’ve had to sit through a trailer for newly-released film *Evan Almighty*. And it makes me slightly uneasy. Because – if you’re lucky enough to have managed to avoid the thing – it’s a lighthearted family comedy based on the story of Noah And The Flood, from Genesis. God comes down to Earth, visits an innocent politician, and tells him to build an ark because he’s decided to do the whole flood thing again.
Keyword noise: Biblical, Christianity, comedy, Evan Almighty, film, god, Judaism, Noah, politicians, religion, unfunny.
In which major international issues do not disturb the local parish
Published at 1:37 pm on February 14th, 2007
Filed under: The Family, Unbelievable.
Given that today, in the news, there’s rather a lot about the slowly-growing and now likely forthcoming schism in the Anglican church, I thought I’d ask the average churchgoer in the street about it. Well, the average churchgoer who is also my mother, at any rate. She’s a fairly average “active” Anglican, though. She’s white, lower-middle-class, female, edging towards elderly, lives in a commuter village, and goes to church every week. She’s a Sunday School teacher, has organised the parish’s Christian Aid collections, sings in an ecumenical Christian parish singing group,* and generally is far more active and puts more effort into religion than most churchgoers, never mind the huge percentage of Anglicans who tick the relevant box on the census but never cross the threshold of a church for anything other than weddings and funerals.
Keyword noise: Anglicanism, Christianity, church, conservatism, gay rights, homophobia, parish church, Peter Akinola, religion, Rowan Williams, schism, The Mother.
In which we beware the homophobes and have milky tea
Published at 9:56 pm on January 9th, 2007
Filed under: Media Addict, Political.
Apparently, it turns out that tea is much more healthy if you drink it without milk. The news isn’t going to help me, though, because I will never ever drink the stuff without milk in. I’ve tried it. It makes me ill. Without milk in, without fail, it brings up my stomach. So the news that it’s healthy raises a bitter laugh.
Keyword noise: black tea, Christianity, homophobia, religion, sickness, tea, vomit.
First Christmas present bought already, but I’m still going to have to devote the weekend to running around the county hoping desperately to find something inspirational. I’m not saying what I’ve already bought. It’s for my dad, and I don’t think he reads this place, but you never know.
Keyword noise: Anne Atkins, BBC, bedsit, Big Dave, books, Books I Haven't Read, Christianity, Yuletide, Christmas presents, house hunting, House Of Leaves, literature, London, Mark Z Danielewski, presents, radio, reading, religion, shopping, studio flat, Thought For The Day.
In which we refuse to get superstitious about the date
Published at 8:34 am on June 6th, 2006
Filed under: Unbelievable.
I like to think that I’m a sensible, rational, clear-thinking person.
Keyword noise: Antichrist, apocalypse, C S Lewis, Christianity, Daniel, devil, End Times, Narnia, number of the beast, numerology, religion, Revelation, round numbers, Satan, superstition, symmetry, The Last Battle, The Omen.
If this week seems to have gone quickly, it’s because I haven’t been blogging very much. My social life is getting the better of me.
Keyword noise: blogging, books, Christian science fiction, Christianity, Dilwyn Horvat, literature, management, Operation Titan, science fiction, SF, Umberto Eco, How To Travel With A Salmon.
In which we go dragon-killing
Published at 9:47 pm on April 23rd, 2006
Filed under: Political.
Well, I sat down at my computer to write a long serious post about how I need to lose my shyness. But then, I thought: hang on a minute! It’s Saint George’s Day! So, I dressed up in a suit of armour and went out to sing “Jerusalem” and stab a few dragons instead.
Keyword noise: Bulgaria, Christianity, dragon, England, nationalism, patriotism, patron saint, religion, St George.
In which we wonder about the motives behind sacrifice
Published at 5:19 pm on April 14th, 2006
Filed under: Political, Unbelievable.
As it’s Good Friday, good Christians everywhere should be eating fish and following the Stations Of The Cross. I’m not any sort of Christian, good or bad, but even so it’s a good day to think about self-sacrifice for The Cause, whatever that happens to be.
Keyword noise: Christianity, crucifixion, death, Easter, Good Friday, illegality, international law, Iraq, Jesus, Malcolm Kendall-Smith, martyrdom, Millenarian, pacifism, Passion, publicity, RAF, religion, sacrifice, war.
Or, remembering religious books
Published at 10:38 pm on April 3rd, 2006
Filed under: Artistic, Unbelievable.
In which we ponder religious motives
Published at 7:32 pm on March 26th, 2006
Filed under: Political, Unbelievable.
As it’s Sunday, let’s think about religion for a moment. More specifically, let’s think about Norman Kember, the peace activist rescued last week after spending several months as a hostage in Iraq.
Keyword noise: captives, Christianity, fanaticism, freedom, hostage, Iraq, martyrdom, monasticism, Norman Kember, pacifism, peace, religion, war.