In which I rant about lottery advertising
Published at 10:07 am on December 23rd, 2008
Filed under: Dear Diary.
Today, I suppose, I should really go out and start looking for Christmas presents for people. I have no idea, at all, what anybody wants; no idea what anybody needs; and no idea what I’m going to buy. I know what I’m not going to buy, though.
Keyword noise: Yuletide, advertising, Christmas, gambling, gifts, lottery, presents, scratchcard.
First Christmas present bought already, but I’m still going to have to devote the weekend to running around the county hoping desperately to find something inspirational. I’m not saying what I’ve already bought. It’s for my dad, and I don’t think he reads this place, but you never know.
Keyword noise: Anne Atkins, BBC, bedsit, Big Dave, books, Books I Haven't Read, Christianity, Yuletide, Christmas presents, house hunting, House Of Leaves, literature, London, Mark Z Danielewski, presents, radio, reading, religion, shopping, studio flat, Thought For The Day.
In which we ponder Christmas presents
Published at 9:04 am on December 4th, 2006
Filed under: Dear Diary.
It’s not quite the Christmas season for a while yet, but it’s getting near the time when I’m starting to think about what presents to buy. And, particularly, what to buy for the parents. I never know. I always try to think of something unusual, different and interesting, and I usually end up buying the same old books and DVDs for them.
Keyword noise: Yuletide, Christmas, Colleague M, gift ideas, presents.
This Christmas, I have received:
Keyword noise: Yuletide, Christmas, criticism, David Tennant, Doctor Who, gifts, giving, presents, Russell T Davies, television, BBC.
In which I'm at a loss what to get people for Christmas
Published at 8:20 pm on November 24th, 2005
Filed under: The Family.