In which we wonder about the motives behind sacrifice
Published at 5:19 pm on April 14th, 2006
Filed under: Political, Unbelievable.
As it’s Good Friday, good Christians everywhere should be eating fish and following the Stations Of The Cross. I’m not any sort of Christian, good or bad, but even so it’s a good day to think about self-sacrifice for The Cause, whatever that happens to be.
Keyword noise: Christianity, crucifixion, death, Easter, Good Friday, illegality, international law, Iraq, Jesus, Malcolm Kendall-Smith, martyrdom, Millenarian, pacifism, Passion, publicity, RAF, religion, sacrifice, war.
In which we ponder religious motives
Published at 7:32 pm on March 26th, 2006
Filed under: Political, Unbelievable.
As it’s Sunday, let’s think about religion for a moment. More specifically, let’s think about Norman Kember, the peace activist rescued last week after spending several months as a hostage in Iraq.
Keyword noise: captives, Christianity, fanaticism, freedom, hostage, Iraq, martyrdom, monasticism, Norman Kember, pacifism, peace, religion, war.
In which we listen to abuse
Published at 11:03 pm on February 13th, 2006
Filed under: Political.