In which we uncover something that might count as proto-blogging
Published at 10:15 pm on May 29th, 2006
Filed under: Artistic.
As I mentioned on Friday, I’ve been rereading How To Travel With A Salmon, a book of comic essays, mostly, by Umberto Eco. I first read it when I was an impressionable, pretentious teenager,* and hadn’t looked at it for about ten years.
Keyword noise: books, essays, How To Travel With A Salmon, literature, review, Umberto Eco.
If this week seems to have gone quickly, it’s because I haven’t been blogging very much. My social life is getting the better of me.
Keyword noise: blogging, books, Christian science fiction, Christianity, Dilwyn Horvat, literature, management, Operation Titan, science fiction, SF, Umberto Eco, How To Travel With A Salmon.