Milk (redux)
In which we get a reluctant refund
A couple of people have, for reasons best known to themselves, asked how I’m getting on with the office milk lady since we fell out. Well, I don’t think I’m any more popular with her than I was. Fed up of there being no milk, and fed up of the woman in question – Administrator Of The Tea Fund – refusing to accept that tea supplies were anything to do with her, I told her that in that case she could give me back the balance of what I’d put into the fund, and I’d make my own arrangements from now on. Which might have been a bit petty, the balance being only 20p, but there you go.
She said “I’ll give you it later.” A few hours later, she phoned me up.
“Have you stopped chucking your little tantrum yet?” she said. “We’ve got some milk in – are you back in the fund or do you still want your money back?”
“I’ll have my money back, please.”
“You’ll be very thirsty this afternoon then.”
“Er, no I won’t be.”
“Well it’s very silly of you, you’re cutting your nose off to spite your face.”
There was a pause. I wasn’t entirely sure what she expected me to say, other than possibly start begging for her forgiveness.
“So are you back in the tea fund now?” she continued, persistently.
“No, I’d still like my 20p back please.”
“Well, I gave you one last chance. I’ll get some change and bring it down for you in a few minutes. You said you don’t want your 20p back?” A nasty little switch at the end there.
“No, I’d still like my 20p back please.”
“Fine. I’ll see you later.”
So, a few minutes later she came downstairs, slammed 20p on my desk, and went away again. And since then, all has been peace and quiet. I can see why some colleagues, those who have to work with her more, don’t like her very much, though, after that conversation. This is someone whose job is to talk to customers over the phone, take orders, and so on – it makes me wonder if she tries doubling back on herself and making quickly misleading switches when she’s on the phone to customers as well as to colleagues.