
Symbolic Forest

A homage to loading screens.



In which the photos are not the ones we had planned

Well, I was planning to go out for at least one day over the long weekend, with the camera, and shoot off a few rolls of film.

The problem being, my plans for that involved it being sunny and blue-skied. And it’s not. It’s been dull and grey the whole weekend, and right now the rain’s coming down. Something makes me think the weather knows.

Of course, part of being a good photographer would be being able to say: “oh well, that doesn’t matter, instead of doing [the shots I had planned] I can go out and do [these others] instead.” Or, just go out, open-minded, to see what I can see. Not being a good photographer, I haven’t quite gained that skill just yet.

Anyway, as this is a photography post, here are a couple of shots that I wasn’t planning to take at all; just things I came across wandering around This Part Of The Forest. So maybe I did have the necessary skill once, and I’ve just lost it. On the other hand, I’ve just worked out that it’s now over ten years since I took these particular photos.

Rusty lock

Passageway, Scartho