More from the archives
Or, a nice photo
Recently, I finished editing the second month of posts from The Old Blog and published them on here. One of them included this line:
A homage to loading screens.
Or, a nice photo
Recently, I finished editing the second month of posts from The Old Blog and published them on here. One of them included this line:
In which the cat, finally, is not going to return
The phone rang on Saturday morning, and The Mother was on the end. “I’ve got some bad news,” she said.
In which the house gets rebuilt
A while back, I mentioned that the house was going to be hell: we were rebuilding the kitchen. And I was going to post photos.
In which we discuss what to do with a dead bat
Given that lots of random people come across this site, usually looking for the wrong thing entirely, I thought it might be an idea to post more Useful Information on here occasionally. So: here you are. Today’s Useful Information post is:
In which things are a bit off
I felt quite ill last night, and wrote a blog post in a delirious haze which absolutely no sense at all, which is why it’s since been deleted. As to why I felt quite so ill, I’m not entirely sure. But I’m blaming the stench.
In which things are listed
This week, I have managed to:
In which we remember things, but look forward too
…is a bit of a cheat. Because there isn’t one thing I want to add which would round the year off. There are too many moments which would leave it incomplete. The Cat returning. Someone taking me for a quiet walk in the park, so they could split up with me. Going for a first date with someone else, and watching their last train home pull out of the station because we didn’t realise it was about to leave. Someone trying to kick my car windows in, whilst I was sat inside the car. So many people who have made this year very special—in particular, V-
Or, the cat came back
Back in July, my mother lost The Cat, accidentally releasing him on the way to the vet’s. She spent hours putting up posters in that part of town, searching round the neighbourhood, answering calls from people who thought they had seen him, but to nothing. After a month or so, the calls dried up, and we assumed he wasn’t coming back.
In which the cat is lost
Talking about pets: the cat has vanished. Not near home, either.
Or, being kept awake by the cat
I’m getting that Friday afternoon sleepy feeling yet again. I wonder if I can get away with hiding in my office for the rest of the day.
In which it is the first of the month
This morning I awoke like any other morning: with The Cat sitting on top of me and doing cupboard-love purring as loud as he possibly could. “Aren’t you a nice cat!” I said, sleepily, tickling him under the chin. “Ooh, you are furry!”* Eventually, I dragged myself out of bed to go downstairs and give him some breakfast. It was only then that I realised that today is September 1st, and my month is therefore doomed.
Some cat-induced insomnia
I’ve not been getting much sleep lately, so I’ve been wanting to nap every afternoon. it’s the cat’s fault. The other night, he woke me at 4am to come inside, then at 5am to go out, then at 6am to—well, you get the idea.