I recently said that Maximilien Robespierre was, well, one of the villains of the French Revolution. And – well, he is and he isn’t. He’s also someone who, in many ways, I admire: that’s not really a way you can describe a villain. But, having thought of the handy “for some people he’s a hero, for others he’s a villain” line, I couldn’t bring myself to call him a hero.
Keyword noise: France, French Revolution, history, Mastermind, revolution, Robespierre, television.
In which we read ahead in the schedules
Published at 6:25 pm on August 30th, 2009
Filed under: Media Addict.
Regular readers might recall that, a few months back, I produced a few posts referencing the French Revolution, partly because it seemed relevant to events, and partly because it was on the top of my head at the time. To be honest, I thought I’d mentioned it more than, looking back, I actually have.
Keyword noise: BBC, French Revolution, Mastermind, revolution, Robespierre, television.
In which we discuss differences between Britain and France
Published at 8:44 pm on June 1st, 2009
Filed under: Political.
Politics seems to have become a bit of a grind at the moment. The same stories, over and over, over and over until all the details get confused; the government pushing on grim-faced against public opinion, and the Tories trying to jump onto the election-calling bandwagon on the grounds that they expect to win the election and want it to come along ASAP. It might be the sort of politics that needs doing; but it’s not the sort of politics that stirs the imagination. It’s hardly another revolution.
Keyword noise: Britain, France, French Revolution, Gordon Brown, revolution, scandal.