Or, photo post of the week by another name
Published at 10:24 pm on February 17th, 2021
Filed under: Photobloggery, The Family.
I was asked the other day to provide a photo of The Children for a family project. Nothing difficult, nothing complicated, just a photo of the two of them, together, both looking at the camera, such as you might want to put on your wall. So I spent a while one evening going through all the photos I’ve taken since the start of 2020, and did I find a single photo that matches that description? Just one with both of them in it, looking at the camera, not pulling a daft face? Not one. Zero. Nil.
Keyword noise: photography, The Children, history, archaeology, Wayland's Smithy, outdoors, countryside, landscape, Glastonbury, Stonehenge.
In which we go to Glastonbury
Published at 10:29 am on July 3rd, 2009
Filed under: Photobloggery.
Talking of summer storms: we popped down to Glastonbury the other month, for a poke around the bookshops, and for a walk up to the top of Glastonbury Tor. As we did so, the heavens opened, and we, and all the other tourists making the climb, got soaked.
Keyword noise: Glastonbury, Glastonbury Tor, photography, Somerset, storm, weather.