A couple of days ago, it was the hundredth anniversary of a significant event in British railway history. If you’re a train nerd, you’ll know what it was from the title of this post. If you’re not, let’s start with this photo of the Severn Valley in rural mid-Wales.
Keyword noise: railway, Abermule, Abermiwl, Wales, Cymru, Powys, accident, Cambrian Railways.
In which the area is notorious for something
Published at 7:02 pm on April 24th, 2007
Filed under: Media Addict.
You often see stuff about road safety on the telly. Less often, things about specific roads. And it’s very rare for this area – the Forest, if you like to think of the Symbolic Forest as a physical place – to get on the telly at all. So when I heard that there was an hour of Channel Four last night solely devoted to road safety in this area, I had to watch it. Even more specific than that: it was purely about one road, the one from here down to Somerset.
Keyword noise: accident, bad driving, danger, documentary, driving, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, road safety, television.
In which we go over some railway history
Published at 1:40 pm on March 14th, 2007
Filed under: Geekery, Political, Trains.
More notes on the Lambrigg and/or Grayrigg train crash from a couple of weeks ago. Continued from here.
Keyword noise: accident, crash, derailment, facing point lock, facing points, FPL, flexibility, Grayrigg, history, junctions, Lambrigg, maintenance, points, Potters Bar, preventative maintenance, railway, railway history, signalling, shunting, trains.
In which we delve into railway history following a recent accident
Published at 2:17 pm on February 27th, 2007
Filed under: Geekery, In With The Old, Trains.
Some notes on the Lambrigg rail accident (also known as the Grayrigg crash in the media).
Keyword noise: accident, crash, derailment, facing point lock, facing points, FPL, Grayrigg, history, Lambrigg, points, railway, railway history, signalling, trains.
In which I am driven into
Published at 9:55 pm on August 28th, 2005
Filed under: Dear Diary.
It’s Friday lunchtime. I’ve popped into town just to get out of the office for an hour, and now it’s time to head back to work. Into the car, and I’m gently drifting through the car park towards the exit with an Add N To X album playing loudly on the stereo, when…
Keyword noise: accident, cars, crash, driving.