
Symbolic Forest

A homage to loading screens.


Yet another crafting project (part three)

Or, cross-stitching progresses

The post-house-move unpacking has reached the point now that most of the day-to-day things are all unpacked and sorted out. That doesn’t include all of the various bits of hobby equipment, but it does include the cross-stitch project that I’ve posted about a couple of times previously. Indeed, this weekend I reached the point that all of the cross-stitching itself was done.

Cross-stitching done

Hopefully you can tell what is it now: a group of Norman soldiers in the style of the Bayeaux Tapestry. If the pattern still looks a bit sketchy and incomplete in parts, that’s because this kit also includes a rather large amount of backstitch, particularly backstitched chain mail. We could be here some time. Still, I’ve made a start at least.

Some backstitched detail

So far it looks a bit neater than I was worried it might.

The other posts in this series are *part one*, *part two* and *part four*.