
Symbolic Forest

A homage to loading screens.

Blog : Posts tagged with ‘software development’

Video killed the documentation star

Despite its popularity, video is really not the best way for a lot of people to learn things

Recently I added Aria Salvatrice to the list of links over in the menu, because I’m always looking to find new interesting regular reads, especially ones that use old-fashioned blogging. In this case, I found myself reading one of its posts which I absolutely found myself nodding along to. It was: Video Tutorials Considered Harmful, about how videos are a much worse venue for learning a technical topic than written documentation.


Know your limits!

Or remember that computers are still not boxes of infinite resource, whatever you might think

Sometimes, given that I often work with people who are twenty years or so younger than me, I feel old. I mean, the archives of this blog go back over twenty years now: these are serious, intelligent colleagues, and when I started writing my first blog posts they were likely still toddlers.