In which we get annoyed at The Guardian’s technology coverage
Published at 7:52 pm on October 6th, 2005
Filed under: Media Addict.
I’ve already written about the new design of The Guardian, and came across as pretty positive about it. Indeed, I am pretty positive about its design, as a whole. There is, though, one thing that’s a bit rubbish. The Thursday Technology section.
Keyword noise: Bad Science, Ben Goldacre, hackers, newpapers, redesign, The Guardian, New Scientist.
In which we discuss The Guardian’s Berliner redesign
Published at 7:52 pm on September 20th, 2005
Filed under: Media Addict.
As I’ve been an avid Guardian reader for ten years or so – long enough to get very used to it, but not long enough to remember the old 1980s design – then of course I’m full of opinions on their new redesign. Or, at least, I was a week ago. I decided to hold off writing anything until I’d seen a full week of third sections; but now I’ve seen them all the novelty has gone, and I’ve settled back down to just reading the thing again.
Keyword noise: Doonesbury, media, newspapers, redesign, The Guardian.