In which we note the Grimsby Telegraph’s latest marketing campaign
Published at 11:54 pm on January 22nd, 2008
Filed under: Media Addict.
The rather news-thin Grimsby Telegraph newspaper has decided to jump on a fish-marketing bandwagon and declare today to be Great Grimsby Day. A day to be proud of the Grimsby area! Its scenic mudflats! Its thriving heroin-injecting scene! The active support for boxing and extreme wrestling seen in the town centre every Saturday night! The wide range of chain-based shopping opportunities, and the picturesquely decaying industrial areas. Be proud, people!
Keyword noise: fetish, fish, Grimsby, Grimsby Telegraph, journalism, Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, marketing, National Fetish Day, newspapers, pride.
In which the local council gets a prominent score
Published at 10:18 pm on December 15th, 2005
Filed under: Political.
Today’s big news: the Audit Commission has published the latest Comprehensive Performance Assessment, which sounds like a new teenage exam but is actually about local government. More specifically, how well each council is doing at standard local government stuff like mending potholes and emptying your bins.*
Keyword noise: audit, Audit Commission, Comprehensive Performance Assessment, council, CPA, local government, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, pride.