In which we consider how to package coffee sustainably
Published at 6:34 am on May 20th, 2010
Filed under: Media Addict, Political.
When I was growing up, back in the heyday of capitalism, “caring for the environment” was seen as a bit of a fringe activity. In school, we were all taught how important it was; but in the real world, nobody really paid much attention.
Keyword noise: advertising, coffee, environment, glass, greenwash, Kenco, packaging, plastic, recycling, sustainability.
In which we worry that the PM is a potential Doctor Who villain
Published at 6:46 am on May 17th, 2010
Filed under: Geekery, Political.
Since the election, I’ve felt a bit sorry for Gordon Brown, what with all the people who have rushed to gloat and put the boot in since his progressive downfall started. Last week’s Have I Got News For You featured a montage of his strained-looking toothy smile, his clunky body-language, as if the ability to smile and shake hands smoothly was indeed what really mattered in a leader. I can sympathise partly because my own smiles are often as bad as his, especially if I’m trying to pose. When I’m smiling for the camera, everyone else shuffles their feet and small children run away crying; so when people make fun of Gordon Brown for suffering the same problem, he definitely gets my sympathies.
Keyword noise: Auton, David Cameron, Doctor Who, elections, General Election, Gordon Brown, horror, Nick Clegg, plastic.