In which we get annoyed by a TV advert
Published at 9:15 pm on June 9th, 2009
Filed under: Media Addict.
Now, I know I shouldn’t believe advertising. I know I should assume that most people probably don’t believe advertising, and I shouldn’t let myself get worked up about it. But, still, something has been getting my goat lately.
Keyword noise: advertising, crisps, lies, marketing, misleading, Phileas Fogg, television.
The other day, Tim Boucher linked to Colleague M’s ghost story, in which M’s sister Lydia had a bit of trouble with a pair of argumentative ghosts apparently haunting her house. When I first heard about the ghosts, I was hoping I’d be able to post regular updates on the story; but there don’t seem to have been any updates recently. I asked M if anything had happened, and was told that everything has settled down quietly again. No more ghostly voices on the phone, no more things going missing, no more possibly-possessed cats. So, Lydia is able to sleep at night again.
Keyword noise: Colleague M, fraud, ghosts, ghost stories, gullible, misleading, psychic.