In which we spare a thought for Mrs Max Mosley
Published at 8:13 pm on July 8th, 2008
Filed under: Media Addict.
In the news today: the Max Mosley trial continues. Note for readers from the future: he enjoyed a BDSM session with a group of women, who have been described widely as “prostitutes” by the media. He had these regularly, and so wasn’t expecting that one day in spring, one of them would pop a video camera down her cleavage and sell the footage to the News Of The World. Oops. So he’s suing for exemplary damages – in other words, he doesn’t just want recompense, he wants retribution.
Keyword noise: bdsm, cheating, marriage, relationships, Max Mosley, media, news, News Of The World, newspapers, sex work.
In which we learn that a stable in the back garden could save one’s marriage
Published at 10:50 pm on November 20th, 2007
Filed under: Media Addict, Unbelievable.
As usual, the radio was on this morning, on my way to work in the car. Which means: Thought For The Day, with its standard five minutes of anodyne and non-shocking religious platitudes. Today’s thought: isn’t it great that the Queen’s marriage has lasted so long? What can modern society learn from her? I’m paraphrasing, but you get the idea.
Keyword noise: aristocracy, Bishop Of Southwark, marriage, Queen, radio, Radio 4, royal family, royalty, Thought For The Day, Today Programme, Tom Butler.
In which we remember a wedding
Published at 9:29 pm on December 29th, 2006
Filed under: Dear Diary.
I found out later that it was quite a historic room, with all its mouldings and recherché cornicing. Back in the 1910s, when equality for women was all the rage, Sylvia Pankhurst held suffragette meetings there. I didn’t know this at the time, though.
Keyword noise: 2006, Civil Partnership, friends, marriage, memories, Memories Of The Year, wedding.
I always enjoy W’s parties, even the ones I can’t remember afterwards.* And, because it was their wedding, this one seemed extra-special.
Keyword noise: bounce flash, celebration, Civil Partnership, London, marriage, party, photography, travel, wedding.
In which we prepare for a wedding
Published at 9:13 pm on February 16th, 2006
Filed under: Dear Diary.
In which we (again) remember what has happened
Published at 3:22 pm on December 31st, 2005
Filed under: Dear Diary.
Unlike the first half of the year, there is one big stand-out memory from the second half of 2005. The start of my second business trip to London. Getting off the train at Kings Cross and walking down Platform 4 trying not to start crying. I was worried because someone I knew – even though I’d not seen her for a few years – had, like many other people, been missing for three days. She’d last been seen at Kings Cross, changing trains. I held myself together until my taxi was driving away from the station, onto Euston Road. As we passed the ambulance standing at the station entrance, waiting to take another run to the mortuary, I burst into tears. This was on Sunday, July 10th. Half an hour later, a Lancaster bomber flew noisily over my hotel-room window.
Keyword noise: 2005, End Of The Year, marriage, memories, wedding.