In which we discuss some design flaws in Lotus Notes
Published at 12:52 pm on September 13th, 2006
Filed under: Geekery, Linkery, Technology.
Spent quite a while last night reading Lotus Notes Sucks***, a collection of reasons why, as you could probably guess, Lotus Notes sucks. I have to use the thing at work every day, and it is indeed truly awful; but I didn’t really like the site. It lists 80-something superficial bad things about Lotus Notes, without listing any of the truly awful things about it.
Keyword noise: computing, databases, email, Lotus Notes, software.
In which the Tree of Everything comes to mind
Published at 8:44 pm on November 22nd, 2005
Filed under: Feeling Meh, Unbelievable.
Feeling dark and downtrodden still, and nothing creative has been coming to mind. When I’m home from work, all I want to do is stretch out on the sofa and let my mind idle. When I’m at work, I’m too busy, well, working, rebuilding and reindexing database after database in desperate attempts to shave percentage points off their performance.
Keyword noise: archetype, darkness, databases, interconnection, mythology, subconsious, yggdrasil.