
Symbolic Forest

A homage to loading screens.


Going through things one by one

Or, a coding exercise

One of my flaws is that as soon as I’m familiar with something, I assume it must be common knowledge. I love tutoring and mentoring people, but I’m bad at pitching exactly where their level might be, and in working out what they might not have come across before. Particularly, in my career, software development is one of those skills where beyond a certain base level nearly all your knowledge is picked up through osmosis and experience, rather than through formal training. Sometimes, when I’m reviewing my team’s code I come across things that surprise me a little. That’s where this post comes from, really: a few months back I spotted something in a review and realised it wouldn’t work.

This post is about C#, so apologies to anyone with no interest in coding in general or C# in particular; I’ll try to explain this at a straightforward level, so that even if you don’t know the language you can work out what’s going on. First, though, I have to explain a few basics. That’s because there’s one particular thing in C# (in .NET, in fact) that you can’t do, that people learn very on that you can’t do, and you have to find workarounds for. This post is about a very similar situation, which doesn’t work for the same reason, but that isn’t necessarily immediately obvious even to an experienced coder. In order for you to understand that, I’m going to explain the well-known case first.

Since its first version over twenty years ago, C# has had the concept of “enumerables” and “enumerators”. An enumerable is essentially something that consists of a set of items, all of the same type, that you can process or handle one-by-one. An enumerator is a thing that lets you do this. In other words, you can go to an enumerable and say “can I have an enumerator, please”, and you should get an enumerator that’s linked to your enumerable. You can then keep saying to the enumerator: “can I have the next thing from the enumerable?” until the enumerator tells you there’s none left.

This is all expressed in the methods IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()* and IEnumerator<T>.MoveNext(), not to mention the IEnumerator<T>.Current property, which nobody ever actually uses. In fact, the documentation explicity recommends you don’t use them, because they have easier wrappers. For example, the foreach statement.

List<string> someWords = new List<string>() { "one", "two", "three" };
foreach (string word in someWords)

Under the hood, this is equivalent** to:

List<string> someWords = new List<string>() { "one", "two", "three" };
IEnumerator<string> wordEnumerator = someWords.GetEnumerator();
while (wordEnumerator.MoveNext())
    string word = wordEnumerator.Current;

The foreach statement is essentially using a hidden enumerator that the programmer doesn’t need to worry about.

The thing that developers generally learn very early on is that you can’t modify the contents of an enumerable whilst it’s being enumerated. Well, you can, but your enumerator will be rendered unusable. On your next call to the enumerator, it will throw an exception.

// This code won't work
List<string> someWords = new List<string>() { "one", "two", "three" };
foreach (string word in someWords)
    if (word.Contains('e'));

This makes sense, if you think about it: it’s reasonable for an enumerator to be able to expect that it’s working on solid ground, so to speak. If you try to jiggle the carpet underneath it, it falls over, because it might not know where to step next. If you want to do this using a foreach, you will need to do it some other way, such as by making a copy of the list.

List<string> someWords = new List<string>() { "one", "two", "three" };
List<string> copy = someWords.ToList();
foreach (string word in copy)
    if (word.Contains('e'));

So, one of my colleagues was in this situation, and came up with what seemed like a nice, clean way to handle this. They were going to use the LINQ API to both make the copy and do the filtering, in one go. LINQ is a very helpful API that gives you filtering, projection and aggregate methods on enumerables. It’s a “fluent API”, which means it’s designed for you to be able to chain calls together. In their code, they used the Where() method, which takes an enumerable and returns an enumerable containing the items from the first enumerable which matched a given condition.

// Can you see where the bug is?
List<string> someWords = new List<string>() { "one", "two", "three" };
IEnumerable<string> filteredWords = someWords.Where(w => w.Contains('e'));
foreach (string word in filteredWords)

This should work, right? We’re not iterating over the enumerable we’re modifying, we’re iterating over the new, filtered enumerable. So why does this crash with the same exception as the previous example?

The answer is that LINQ methods—strictly speaking, here, we’re using “LINQ-To-Objects”—don’t return the same type of thing as their parameter. They return an IEnunerable<T>, but they don’t guarantee exactly what implementation of IEnumerable<T> they might return. Moreover, in general, LINQ prefers “lazy evaluation”. This means that Where() doesn’t actually do the filtering when it’s called—that would be a very inefficient strategy on a large dataset, because you’d potentially be creating a second copy of the dataset in memory. Instead, it returns a wrapper object, which doesn’t actually evaulate its filter until something tries to enumerate it.

In other words, when the foreach loop iterates over filteredWords, filteredWords isn’t a list of words itself. It’s an object that, at that point, goes to its source data and thinks: “does that match? OK, pass it through.” And the next time: “does that match? No, next. Does that match? Yes, pass it through.” So the foreach loop is still, ultimately, triggering one or more enumerations of someWords each time we go around the loop, even though it doesn’t immediately appear to be used.

What’s the best way to fix this? Well, in this toy example, you really could just do this:

someWords = someWords.Where(w => !w.Contains('e')).ToList();

which gets rid of the loop completely. If you can’t do that for some reason—and I can’t remember why we couldn’t do that in the real-world code this is loosely based on—you can add a ToList() call onto the line creating filteredWords, forcing evaluation of the filter at that point. Or, you could avoid a foreach loop a different way by converting it to a for loop, which are a bit more flexible than a foreach and in this case would save memory slightly; the downside is a bit more typing and that your code becomes prone to subtle off-by-one errors if you don’t think it through thoroughly. There’s nearly always more than one way to do something like this, and they all have their own upsides and downsides.

I said at the start, I spotted the issue here straightaway just by reading the code, not by trying to run it. If I hadn’t spotted it inside somebody else’s code, I wouldn’t even have thought to write a blog post on something like this. There are always going to be people, though, who didn’t realise that the code would behave like this because they hadn’t really thought about how LINQ works; just as there are always developers who go the other way and slap a ToList() on the end of the LINQ chain because they don’t understand how LINQ works but have come across this problem before and know that ToList() fixed it. Hopefully, some of the people who read this post will now have learned something they didn’t know before; and if you didn’t, I hope at least you found it interesting.

* Note. for clarity I’m only going to use the generic interface in this post. There is also a non-generic interface, but as only the very first versions of C# didn’t support generics, we really don’t need to worry about that. If you write your own enumerable you’re still required to support the non-generic interface, but you can usually do so with one line of boilerplate: public IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();

** In recent versions of C#, at any rate. In earlier versions, the equivalence was slightly different. The change was a subtle but potentially breaking one, causing a change of behaviour in cases where the loop variable was captured by a lambda expression.