Readers' Letters
In which the readers speak up and demand photos
Here at Symbolic Towers, we pay attention to our readers. If they send in tips, we pass them on. Mr E Shrdlu of Clacton writes…
The Plain People of the Internet: You say what? You had a letter? From a reader? Whose name is E Shrdlu? Honestly?
Me: Shush there. Be quiet and listen.
The Plain People of the Internet: If you say so. But don’t expect us to believe it.
… E Shrdlu of Clacton, who writes:
People who liked Friday’s post may be interested in…
The Plain People of the Internet: You mean, people who like long posts about the history of the London Underground? When posts like yesterday’s get a much better reader reaction? What are you thinking about?
Me: Come on there, stop interrupting. And since when have I been bothered about reader reaction, in any case?
The Plain People of the Internet: We’re only saying. Offering a tidbit ourselves, you could say.
… may be interested in the book *London’s Secret Tubes* by Emmerson and Beard, which goes into all that stuff. At book length.
The Plain People of the Internet: Now, we wouldn’t mind seeing photos of that beautiful Yorkshire scenery you were wittering on about. That “unutterable beauty” stuff.
Me: It was “unassuming beauty”. And I don’t have any – the car would have rolled down the hill. Carnage.
The Plain People of the Internet: My god, that’s terrible. The joke, we mean.
Me: If you’re so plural, shouldn’t that be “our god?”. The best I can do is photos of trains down in the mist-filled dale. And why shouldn’t there be real people called E Shrdlu, from Clacton?
The Plain People of the Internet: Flann O’Brien would sue, were he still alive.